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Unitarian Universalist P.E.A.C.E. Fellowship Resources:
- Bylaws – How we govern ourselves as a Unitarian Universalist community
- Vision and Mission
- Aesthetic Guideline – UUPFs process for accepting loaned or donated items for the building or grounds and item uses
- Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Policy
- Building Use Guideline & Layout Illustration – Anyone using the building will use this guideline for understanding allowable uses
- Bulletin Board Posting Guideline
- Communication and Web Site Guidelines (privacy, copyright requirements, relevancy, naming conventions, using listserves, social media, etc.)
- Expense Reimbursement Form (PDF) — or — Word format
- Financial Aid Requests Guideline – How social-action related requests are processed
- Mission Statement
- Pastoral Care Guideline – When a member is in need
- Rentals – send inquiries to
Building use and rentals are managed by building and grounds rental team who also coordinates requests with B&G and Finance committees - Right-Relations Policy – How we treat each other in our community
- Survey Guidelines – Who, how etc. of creating and distributing surveys
- Youth Religious Education Participation forms
Bad weather Notice – watch WRAL-TV for posting or check WRAL’s online closing notices