Map / Directions to UUPF

4104 Watkins Rd, Raleigh, NC 27616 (Northeast Wake County)
Five miles from Rolesville
Nine miles from Wake Forest
15-minute drive from Knightdale
1/2-hour country ride from Louisburg and Franklinton
Note: Shows Durant Rd crossing Capital to become Perry Creek Rd.

Travelling from I-540:

Exit north on 401 (Louisburg Rd). Go approx. 2 1/2 miles
Turn East (right) onto Mitchell Mill Rd. Go 1.8 miles
Turn South on Watkins Rd – drive a short distance.
Entrance on the right.
If you see the lake, you’ve gone too far.

Travelling South from Wake Forest/Rolesville/Franklinton, Louisburg:

GPS options may provide back road shortcuts.
Main-Road route:
From US1 head south to Perry Creek Rd.
Turn East (left) on Perry Creek Rd and
North (left) on 401 (Louisburg Rd) 2 miles

Turn East (right) onto Mitchell Mill Rd. Go 1.8 miles
Turn South on Watkins Rd a short distance.
Entrance on the right.
If you see the lake, you’ve gone too far.


GPS options will provide many back road shortcuts.
Main-Road route:
Knightdale Blvd East to I-540 West.
Exit north on 401 (Louisburg Rd). approx. 2 1/2 miles

East onto Mitchell Mill Rd ( 1.8 miles )
South on Watkins Rd a short distance.



Handicap accessible

Inclement Weather


To find out if a Sunday service or event has been canceled due to bad weather, please do one the following on a periodic basis:

  • Check the Home page of
  • Check your e-mail for a UUPF message.
  • Check announcment banners on local TV stations or on their web sites.
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