Rev. Pattty Hanneman Behind the Goddess Veil

Standing on a pedestal in the Musee d’Orsay in Paris, a statue of the goddess Isis lifts her veil to reveal just a glimpse of herself.  The sculpture – Nature Unveiling Herself To Nature – reminds us that the mysteries of life that sustain us call for curiosity, reverence, and celebration.  This morning we reflect on the wisdom and art of being able to say, “I don’t know”.

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John Pavlovitz People of the Bigger Table

The table is an image often used to speak about access and opportunity. It is the place where people are seen, heard, and respected.

We know that the table is still neither open nor available to everyone, which is an invitation to each of us.
As people of faith and conscience we seek to be people of the bigger table, to make a way for diverse humanity to experience the fullness of life here.

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Rev Rebecca Suzik Little Big Trees

Sermon from Little Big Trees service at UU PEACE Fellowship, Raleigh North Carolina with Reverend Rebecca Suzik, July 30 2023

Little Big Trees
Did you know that North Carolina is home to one of the oldest trees on Earth? Yes, a 2,624 year old Bald Cypress at a mystery location upon the Black River, a tributary to the Cape Fear River. The United States also boasts other aged and grand trees including the Coastal Redwoods and the Giant Sequoia trees of California. Join Reverend Rebecca Suzik Read more

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John Pavlovitz You Are Here

We often look around at the world and feel as if life is out of control, like so much that happens is beyond our reach, like we are powerless to change everything

We’re not wrong when we feel that way.  That’s actually the good news.
Much of life is out of our control.  But we shouldn’t lose heart because of that truth.  Instead, we should embrace how much is within our hands.

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John Pavlovitz The War To Be One

We are in this together.

We and the people we love.

We and the people we don’t like.

We and the people we can’t stand.

Our interdependence isn’t optional. It just is. We are all tethered to one another here in this life, and even when we do our best to silo ourselves off, that distance is only an illusion. Right now it seems like we’re fighting with someone all the time or they are fighting us. The challenge is to remind ourselves that ultimately Read more

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John Pavlovitz Surprise Party

This life is many things: exhilarating, inspiring, disorienting, terrifying—but almost never predictable. We do a lot to be in control, or at least to convince ourselves that we are—until life interrupts and reminds us just how precarious a position we’re in here and how very little we get to steer the ship. This week we’ll lean into the changed plans, the unexpected plot twists, and the beautiful surprises of being human.

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John Pavlovitz Overcoming the Second Pandemic

It’s been three years since our world was shut down by an unprecedented and insidious virus. It should have brought us together as a people. It should have shown us our commonalities and reminded us of our oneness.  Instead, we saw the divides between us widen. The second pandemic afflicting us is a fierce tribalism that has the potential to do even greater damage than the virus ever could.  The good news is, we have the antidote.  We can heal the planet.
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Rev. Claudia Frost The Darkness Knows Healing

Following the isolation and fear of the Pandemic, depression is a timely topic. So many people’s lives are impacted by depression…either themselves or someone they love. The COVID Pandemic made a “perfect storm” for exacerbating depression across the country. Many people may still be suffering varying levels of depression due to the periods of extended isolation, “stay at home” rules, and increased anxiety due to loss of income, and other challenges brought on by the Pandemic. Our Read more

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