
The UU PEACE Fellowship has adopted the Inukshuk as the symbol of its faith community

Inukshuk (in-ook-shook)
is a stone monument erected in the image of a human. It communicated direction in the harsh and desolate Arctic, sometimes stored caches of food and was a tool for survival. Symbolic of the act of an unselfish nomadic people, they were built by the Inuit as guideposts to make the way easier and safer for those who followed.

The difference
we make today
in each of our tomorrows.

The hands of many and the efforts of the entire group were required to build these massive stone sculptures. The Inukshuk is a symbol of the human spirit. In the Inukshuk, each stone is a separate entity. But each supports, and is supported by the one above and the one below it. No one piece is any more or less important than another. The stones are secured through balance.

An Inukshuk is the result of a consensus of purpose, of focused action by a group united in its goal and labor. It recognizes our ability to succeed with others, where we would fail alone. It reminds us of our need to belong to something greater than ourselves. It reinforces our ability to create, communicate and commit to common goals. The Inukshuk reminds us of our interdependent responsibilities to invest our efforts today to direct a better way for all of us tomorrow.

Inukshuk history adapted from information supplied by Dr. Sharon House

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